Press release: The 15th MyFrenchFilmFestival is coming 17 January – 17 February 2025
2025-01-16MyFrenchFilmFestival, the original 100% online festival of French-language cinema, is back for its 15th edition from 17 January – 17 February 2025: a unique opportunity for movie buffs around the world to discover the best of French-language cinema from the comfort of their own home.
Cinematic horror, and how local stories are told
2024-11-27"Horror lends itself well to the rich mythologies and urban legends found in southern Africa. There’s just something different about horror movies that arrive on your stoep, and thrillers that make you feel like they could happen in your neighbourhood."
Nostalgia for television in the streaming age
2024-11-13"What did we get from television that streaming platforms are making us miss?"
Reddingsbaadjies as sosiale kommentaar
2024-11-12"Jy vertrek van Ísafjörður per ferrie en die rit na Kvíar oor die ysige potblou see duur ongeveer ’n uur. As jy terugkyk na die land wat bo die skuimstreep agter die klein bootjie kleiner word, voel jy waarlik nietig."
Filmresensie: Grey bees by die Europese Filmfees
2024-10-29"Hierdie stadige film met bloedmin karakters handel oor vriendskap. Dit is baie mooi, al speel dit af in die grys wêreld van ’n verdeelde samelewing."
Filmresensie: Dalva by die Europese Filmfees
2024-10-28"Dalva sal jou uitdaag, maar nie terneergedruk laat nie. Kyk dit, sou jy ooit die kans kry."
Filmresensie: Blackbird blackbird blackberry by die Europese Filmfees en op Mubi
2024-10-23"Etero vind vir die heel eerste keer iemand wat teer genoeg is om haarself aan hom te kan blootstel. Die lover boy is getroud, en vind nou, ná baie jare, weer iemand wat hóm raaksien."
Filmresensie: Citizen Saint by die Europese Filmfees en op Mubi
2024-10-22"Die konneksie met die leë kruis en die verskyning van die stil man word gemaak. Wie is hy? Wat moet hulle maak met sy stiltes? Toe iemand wou weet wat die inwoners van die dorpie hom moet noem, stel die mynbaas voor dat hy Burger Heilige moet heet – en dis wat hulle hom toe noem."
Filmresensie: Io Capitano by die Europese Filmfees
2024-10-21"Io Capitano deel ’n haas ongelooflike storie met die kyker. Homerus sou die knie gebuig het as hy hierdie film kon sien."
Press release: Self-portrait as a coffee-pot
2024-10-16This colossal work is William Kentridge’s generous invitation into his creative process. In each of the 30-minute episodes, the artist welcomes the viewer not just into the studio itself, but into the intimacies of ideation.
Filmresensie: The quiet girl by die Europese Filmfees
2024-10-11"The quiet girl is ’n lieflike, onderspeelde film, nie noodwendig maklik nie, maar tog baie mooi. Dit is die Ierse inskrywing vir die fees."
Sweet dreams at the European Film Festival: a film review
2024-10-09"The film comes on a historical backdrop that remains as relevant as ever. Where Indonesia is concerned, the transfer of Dutch New Guinea to Indonesia in 1963 is regarded as the end of the Netherlands’ 250-year colonial empire. In the past weeks, however, colonialism has returned to the headlines, as the UK returned sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, after they had been colonised first by the French and then by the British in 1814."
Die dokumentêr Brasse Vannie Kaap nou op Showmax
2024-10-09"Die harde werk, die musikale vernuwing en die beter tydgleuwe waarin die groep gespeel het, het gewerk. BVK het naam gemaak, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook op feeste soos Pukkelpop in Nederland."
Press release: 11th European Film Festival in SA line-up announced
2024-09-18A stellar line-up of films has been announced for the 11th European Film Festival in South Africa which runs from 10 to 20 October. Including two Oscar nominations, the select showcase of 14 films features numerous award winners that delve into a wide range of topics under the overarching theme of "Complicated Freedoms".
Erentia Bedeker: onopgesmuk, internasionaal bekroon, redelik onbekend in haar eie land
2024-09-04"Ruby & Roach reis nou al vir vier jaar van fees tot fees. Tot op hede is ons kortfilm al vir 77 filmfeeste gekies, het dit 26 benoemings ontvang en is dit bekroon met 18 pryse. Dit klink dalk esoteries, maar ek oorleef op geloof. My bankrekening was nog nooit dolleeg nie. Wanneer een projek afgekeur word, dan is daar altyd op die regte tyd ’n volgende geleentheid wat kom aanklop."
Eksie perfeksie is ’n speelse ondersoek na sigself én ’n hele genre
2024-08-13"Eksie perfeksie is slim. Dit is ’n film wat sigself en die genre waarin dit werk, die hele tyd ondersoek. Ek hou van enige stukkie kuns, letterkunde, ook lekkerkunde, wat vir sigself kan lag."
Press release: Breaking news! Spinners beats Succession in Shanghai
2024-06-29The first season of Spinners just beat the Emmy-winning final season of Succession for Best Foreign TV Series at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival’s Magnolia Awards, one of the biggest accolades in Asia.
A perspective on Yorgos Lanthimos’s Poor things
2024-04-04"If anything, Poor things certainly contributes to the evolution of our understanding of cinema, because it has managed what endless amounts of content on streaming platforms have been unable to do: it has got us talking."
Vroedvrou (Midwife) bewaar ’n rykdom van inheemse kennis
2024-03-27"Die dokumentêr Vroedvrou belig die noodsaaklikheid om tradisionele kennis te bewaar en te bevorder, nie net vir die Nama-gemeenskap in Namakwaland nie, maar vir gemeenskappe regoor Suid-Afrika en verder. Die film is ’n oproep tot aksie om die wysheid van tradisionele vroedvroue te beskerm en voort te laat leef vir toekomstige generasies."
Movie review: Thumbs up for Frankie and Felipé
2024-02-27"There’s a lot of pride in this hometown production, shot in Cape Town and the surrounding winelands. That said, there’s a universality to the story through its investigation of cultural identity and its many complex forms that will make it live among similar South African classics. Think Craig Freimond’s Material (2012) and Amy Jephta’s Barakat (2020)."