Ernst Bruinsma

Ernst Bruinsma is a director of the Leeuwarden Unesco City of Literature. He is an experienced publisher with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. He is skilled in literary history, translation, fiction, cultural heritage, art history and editing.

Bruinsma is a media and communication professional with a PhD in Dutch/Flemish language and literature from the University of Antwerp.

Gesprek | Fries, Kaaps, Nederlands en Afrikaans: Wat kan ons van mekaar leer?

Jelle Krol, Ernst Bruinsma, Conrad Steenkamp, Kabous Meiring, Izak de Vries SASNEV 2021-10-07

Fries is ’n Wes-Germaanse taal, baie nou verwant aan Engels, wat steeds in die Nederlandse provinsie Friesland gepraat, geskryf en gelees word. Ernst Bruinsma en Jelle Krol brei uit oor die Friese taal en letterkunde, waarna Kabous Meiring vir Conrad Steenkamp en Izak de Vries betrek om by al vier te hoor wat Kaaps, Nederlands, Afrikaans en Fries by mekaar kan leer.

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