Terms and conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 By using the Voertaal website, any part of the website (including Voertaal's social media platforms and website archives) or the Voertaal newsletter (jointly known as the “website“), you bind yourself to the terms and conditions contained herein. These terms and conditions become operational from the moment you access the web page for the first time and form a perpetual agreement between yourself and Voertaal. If you do not wish to be bound by all of the following terms, please do not access, use and/or contribute to the web page.

1.2 Voertaal is an Internet publication of LitNet.  

1.3 Voertaal strives toward the placement of original material and the open and unlimited exchange of ideas and opinions. The opinions of the contributors to this website are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff, management or sponsors of Voertaal.

1.4 The services and information provided by this website, are free of charge unless otherwise indicated. Although Voertaal endeavours to ensure the quality and accuracy of the services and information, you are not to assume that the information is necessarily correct and without errors, or that it is suitable for the purposes for which you intend to use it.

2. Limited Liability and Indemnity

2.1 You access and use this website at your own risk.

2.2 It is your own responsibility to maintain the hardware, software and telecommunications lines that you may need to access the website.

2.3 Voertaal makes no guarantees or representations (tacit or implied) with regard to the website or the contents thereof. Without waiving the general nature of the aforesaid, Voertaal does not guarantee the truthfulness or correctness of any of the information appearing on the website and it is your responsibility to determine the truthfulness and correctness thereof.

2.4 Voertaal is not liable for any loss, expense or damages of whatsoever nature that you may incur as a result of your access to or use of the web page, including, but not limited to, any loss, expenses, or damages arising from the following:

2.4.1 incorrect information contained on the website;
2.4.2 unlawful access or amendment of the website by a third party; 
2.4.3 the unavailability of the website; 
2.4.4 the destruction of your data or computer equipment, or the data or computer equipment of a third party, that you have used to gain access to the website.

2.5 You indemnify Voertaal against any demand, claim or legal action that may be instituted against Voertaal, directly or indirectly resulting from your use of or access to this website.

2.6 Voertaal reserves the right to modify, upgrade, suspend or discontinue the website at any time and at its own discretion.

2.7 You are responsible for any content that you send to Voertaal, upload onto the website or send to third parties via Voertaal. Voertaal is not responsible for the loss of any content that you upload to or send via the website and it is your own responsibility to make a reserve copy thereof.

2.8 Without detracting from the general nature of the foregoing, when you place any publication or other contribution on Voertaal, you agree to the possible prejudice you may suffer as a result of the defamatory statements of other users published on Voertaal. Without waiving the aforesaid, you forthwith indemnify Voertaal from any defamation claim that you may institute against another Voertaal user, or that may be instituted by such other users against yourself.

3. Privacy

3.1 You agree that Voertaal may collect the personal information that you present to us through your use of the website. Voertaal only uses such personal information for internal purposes in order to improve the functionality of the website.

3.2 Voertaal will not share your personal information with third parties without your prior permission, unless Voertaal is required to do so by law or it is necessary to do so in order to operate the website or if it is in public interest to disclose the information.

3.3 Read Voertaal’s privacy notice here.

4. Copyright

4.1 All copyright and other intellectual property rights, including the layout, design, characteristics, graphics and multimedia works displayed on the website belong to Voertaal unless such rights have been expressly reserved by the author before it was published on the webpage.

4.2 You may view, print and keep one copy of such works on your hard drive provided:

4.2.1 it is for your own personal use and will not be used for any commercial purpose; 
4.2.2 you display a reproduction of our copyright on all copies; 
4.2.3 you do not change the work to Voertaal’s disadvantage. 

4.3 Without waiving the provisions contained in paragraph 4.1 above, Voertaal confirms that the copyright in contributions, articles and other literary works created by you and forwarded to Voertaal by you, are your property. When you place any article, contribution or other literary work on the website, you give Voertaal a transferable, perpetual, worldwide and royalty free licence to use the works for placement on Voertaal. Should the intellectual property of content placed by you on Voertaal belong to a third party, you undertake to inform Voertaal thereof and you indemnify Voertaal from any claim that the owner of such intellectual property may institute against Voertaal.

4.4 The trademarks and characteristics on Voertaal are the registered, and where applicable the non-registered, trademarks of Voertaal. Nothing on Voertaal may be interpreted so as to mean that you have acquired a licence or a right to use any trademark without Voertaal’s permission.

4.5 You may not use Voertaal’s intellectual property or that of a third party for any purpose without obtaining our prior permission to do so.

4.6. All requests to use our intellectual property may be directed to profetiennevh@gmail.com. Should you not have received a response from us within five business days, you may accept that your application has been dismissed.

5. Links and reuse of content

5.1 You may create hyperlinks to any part of the website without obtaining our prior written permission. Voertaal may, at any time, amend or withdraw such permission.

5.2 You may not duplicate, distribute or publish any Voertaal content or part thereof, including the layout, design, characteristics, graphics and multimedia works, without obtaining our prior written permission. Voertaal may, at any time, amend or withdraw such permission. Content is eligible for monetization when permission for reuse is requested.

5.3 All applications for such reuse must be directed to profetiennevh@gmail.com. Should you not have received a response from us within five business days, you may accept that your application has been dismissed.

5.4 You indemnify Voertaal against any demand, claim or legal action that may be instituted directly or indirectly resulting from your linking to or reusing Voertaal content.

6. Links to Third Parties

6.1 The website contains links to other websites with information and other material created by third parties. Although Voertaal carefully chooses the links, we cannot accept any liability for the content of such websites. A link on the website to another website does not mean that the content of those websites have been examined and it does also not mean that we have approved the content.

7. General

7.1 Voertaal may amend these terms and conditions at any time. By viewing the website, you bind yourself to the current version of the terms of use. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the updated version and the terms of use.

7.2 Nothing on the website may be interpreted as an offer but must be seen as an invitation to do business.

7.4 Should any provision of these terms of use not be fully enforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in force.

7.5 Dutch law is applicable to these terms of use as well as the relationship between yourself and Voertaal in so far as it concerns your use of the website.

7.6 In the event that you breach any of the terms of use, we may, without further notice, take legal steps against you and you consent to compensate us for legal costs on an attorney and own client scale.

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