Ola W Halim

Ola W Halim writes fiction and poetry and also teaches English Language and Literature in Edo State, Nigeria. He seeks to tell stories not frequently told, themes rarely explored. As a teacher, he has been shortlisted for the TFCN Teacher’s Prize for Literature 2019. He edits prose for ARTmosterrific, a literary platform publishing young African writers, especially undergraduates. Halim is interested in research on sexuality, albinism, inclusive education, and feminism.

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2021: an interview with Ola W Halim from Nigeria

Naomi Meyer, Ola W Halim Literatuur 2021-07-27

"Being an albino myself, I wanted to read myself on the page, see myself outside myself, and perhaps send a message to the marginalised communities: 'Hey, dear, you’re seen!'"

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