Tilman Dedering

Tilman Dedering is a professor of history at Unisa.

His MA in social anthropology (Free University Berlin) explored the history of the Witbooi Orlams in colonial Namibia. His PhD in history (UCT), published as Hate the old and follow the new. Khoekhoe and missionaries in early nineteenth-century Namibia (Stuttgart:  Franz Steiner Verlag, 1997), focused on the interaction between the first European missionaries and indigenous communities in early 19th-century Namibia.

He has published widely on Namibian and South African history in South African and international journals. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Namibian Studies.

Toyota US Woordfees 2020: HemelBesem en Tilman Dedering vertel meer oor Nama-vryheidsvegter Hendrik Witbooi

Menán van Heerden, HemelBesem, Tilman Dedering Interviews 2020-03-09

Komende Woensdag 11 Maart gesels Albert Grundlingh by die Toyota US Woordfees met Simon "HemelBesem" Witbooi en Tilman Dedering oor die Nederlandse skrywer Conny Braam se biografiese roman Ek is Hendrik Witbooi. Menán van Heerden gesels met Tilman Dedering, ’n kenner veral oor die Duitse en koloniale geskiedenis van Namibië, en HemelBesem, ’n agterkleinseun van Hendrik, oor die Duitse en koloniale geskiedenis van Namibië en die Nama-vryheidsvegter Hendrik Witbooi.

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