18th April 2018

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18th April 2018

Today the first warm day in spring.
Cold water, shells are hurting
my bare feet. This first day at sea,
light still incredibly soft ...

Thoughts came & went & stay
as seagulls in the sky
white stripes of planes are
writing names from heaven ...

They are there, they are here
in birds, in waves, in light.
I close my eyes to see
my brothers near to me ...

Leonie Verburg

18 April 2018

die eerste warm lentedag.
Koue water, my kaal voete kla
eerste dag by die see
sagte, ongelooflike lig ...

Gedagtes kom, gaan, bly
seemeeue in die lug
vliegtuie maak wit strepe
skryf name vanuit die hemel

Hulle is daar, hulle is hier
in voëls, in branders, in die lig.
Ek maak my oë toe en sien my broers naby my ...

Vertaling: Connel Fortuin

Buro: IG
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